Here we go again! A reintroduction.

Hello again!
While our way of living has proved quite sustainable over the years, getting out blog posts has not proven equally "easy".    It's been so bad in fact that it took me a couple of months to even FIND our original blog.  (here it is: ) It's been 7 years and a few computer changes since my last post over there and I can't even figure out how to log into that old account.
So let's just start over, shall we?

My name is Alina.  I am the proud owner and operator of Cornerstone Acres Farm in Boon, MI.
My husband is my co-pilot and my one and only hay guy!  I started out over 25 years ago with chickens then added rabbits a few years later.   A few years after later I added a solitary bottle goat.  A BUCK goat at that....whew those were the days. I had a short stint with Jacob sheep about 15 years ago.  Life goes by and so many changes in my life and just as many goal changes along the way.     

Fast forward to now and here we are.
A twelve-acre farm in beautiful northern lower Michigan.  Our farm consists of 90+ year old barns and old farmland.  My first loves are my goats.  I raise Boer, Boer/Kiko, and Myotonic goats.  We sell quite a few market wethers for the local fairs, but we also offer goat meat and breeding stock. 
We've been raising pigs almost as long as our farm has been here.  Finally, just a few short years ago we settled on the Kunekune breed.   I've never been more in "Hog Heaven" than with this breed.   I love them!

Even more recently I added Jacob sheep to the farm.  We use and sell fleeces for hand spinning.   We also offer registered breeding stock, meat, and fiber wethers.

Rabbits fill a niche of additional meat and fiber production as well as lovely pelts.

Of course, we have a modest poultry flock comprised of mostly homegrown farm mixes originating from our first pure stock.  Guineas were added a few years ago, but 2019 was a large expansion in the size of our guinea flock.

Muscovy ducks are by far one of the top meat-producing animals on the farm. 

All that we have just wouldn't be possible without our loving yet fierce livestock guardian dogs.  We currently have 4 working livestock guardian dogs who live with our sheep, pigs, and goats. 
Icee is our oldest and the grand dame of Izzy, our youngest Pyrenees.   Bruno is our male and second oldest Great Pyrenees. Last but not least we have a pup named Timber who is our first Anatolian X Great Pyrenees LGD.  We have been offering quality working pups for the last several years.

We run a working farm that offers many things.   We have CSA shares that range from meat or garden only to full shares including honey, meat, garden fare, eggs and more.  One of my favorite things I do is teach workshops that cover a variety of homesteading skills.  Soap making is our most popular, but we also offer workshops covering gardening, spinning and working with fibers, canning, foraging, small farm business management, cannabis crops (it's legal now in Michigan), livestock care and more.   We sell raw fiber to hand spinners and felters.  Of course, as I mentioned above, we sell live animals and animals for meat.  We sell eggs, hay feeders, hay, jams and jellies, hand made soaps, gift baskets, salts scrubs, lip balms, clamp-on bucket attachments, manure, and even skulls.   Our farm maintains itself financially and feeds us very well,  which is all we really can ask for. 

Hopefully, I can do better this time keeping up with the blog.  My goal is to post at least once a week, but for now I'll be happy with twice a month. 

Until next time......
